Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh God!!! I escaped!!! :-)

Hi friends!! Today is sunday and I had made many planned for it. Yesterday my friend Amit said to me to be ready for going to Educational Expo near Janpath Market. So today I woke up 4:00am. Start lappy and then orkutting and other net stuff. As regular I go for exercise but today I could not go for it because laziness had caught me and at early in the morning I am envolved in net surfing. When my sister scolded me I gave this honey type attraction. I han freshen up till 10:00 am and after praying when I decided to breakfast, my friend Anand came and talk till 10:45 am. After that my friend Rajat had called me for coming his home but I had to go with Amit. Yet I went to Rajat's home. He shows me his newly come computer but it was not working. So called me. But I investigate the problem, i found that it needed to format. I said him that I'll come after meeting to Amit. I went to Amit's home. Went to Educational Expo but it was not opened. So we return and while returning I purchased 5 DVDs from Computer Hub Market name NAZA MARKET. Ok, done I return home, filled up the LU form. Then I collected my Windows CD, went to his home. But unfortunatlly, I was found that the CD drive was also in not running condition. So, I have to gave up this and made the mind up to show this to a computer repairing man. We went to 8 number Cauraha. At returning time, at my friends home, I met to a horrible and scared things and was a monkey sitting on the lawn. I tried to let him away to see my eyes to him and thunder voice to make him terrified but was too fearless and was coming to scare me. My hand was empty so I decided to take a piece of brik but when I was trying to take the piece, he was caming near to me but he was not alone as I thought that he was alone and we were two brave persons to fear him away. But I was wrong, another muscular monkey was also there. And they tried to attacked on me. but thank you God who sent Aunty to save us with stick. But after that my legs were shaking. I met from this condition at the first time. Oh my God! such a horrible condition!!!! I scream........................................................
Help Help......... :-0 :-(

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